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There are 52 news stories for 2018 in our database.
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Following the success of the first South East Wales Hike-and-Fly Race last year (see October Skywings), with the kind permission of SEWHGPGC, Alistair Andrews of Team Evol Paragliding will be organising a second event to be held on the weekend of July 14th and 15th 2018. To register your interest please contact
Posted: 4 January 2018
By: Paul Dancey
From this month Gareth Aston's V12 Outdoor at Llanberis will take on the UK distribution of Swing and Gradient paragliders. Brad Nicholas of Snowdon Gliders, current UK distributor for both brands, says, "I'm delighted to have made this step forward; the promotion of Swing's new RAST system in particular will benefit from V12 Outdoor's investment."
Gareth is already well known within the UK paragliding scene as a vol-biv explorer and BPCup Meet Director. He will bring fresh ideas and energy to Swing and Gradient distribution, while Snowdon Gliders will continue to offer paragliding instruction in the mountains and be a fan of both brands.
Brad, who has been involved in UK paraglider distribution for more than 20 years, says, "It makes complete sense for V12 to take over as they have a high street showroom, a web-shop ( and a large customer base - a perfect launch pad for the new enterprise." Contact Gareth at V12 Outdoor, The Old Baptist Chapel, High Street, Llanberis LL55 4EN, tel 01286 871534, e-mail:
Posted: 4 January 2018
By: Paul Dancey
The 2018 Lakes Charity Classic runs at the Grasmere Showground on July 14th - 15th. The venue includes an indoor bar, toilets, showers, plus wi-fi and good phone signal. As well as the competition itself, the popular coaching groups will run on both days.
Alternative bad-weather tasks are planned, plus plenty of free activities, and lots to do for non-flying family and friends. On-site camping is available (fees are extra) and there's local accommodation nearby. Flying activities are also planned for the Friday and Monday.
Full details can be found on the Cumbria Soaring Club website. Registration for CSC members opens on January 21st and for non-members on February 4th. The LCC sells out quickly - don't delay!
Posted: 4 January 2018
By: Paul Dancey
The Northern Challenge Trophy is a new collaborative effort from the six BHPA clubs north of the M62 and south of Hadrian's Wall. It's a response to the difficulty of getting enough pilots - and the weather - to coalesce around fixed-date paragliding events. Pilots either don't sign up to formal comps, or don't turn up if the forecast is doubtful.
The NCT will provide a series of 12 main tasks (eight scoring, to allow task dropping) and two subsidiary hike-and-fly tasks to be flown between March 1st and September 30th; the aim is convenience and flexibility for those involved. Its emphasis on instrument use, navigation, decision-making and exploring what's possible will also make it a useful vehicle for pilot development and coaching activities.
Tasks are hosted on which provides easy downloads of task maps and cylinders, and straightforward uploads with integral scoring. Downloads cover the NCT's aims and rules, a task list with links into xcmap and task guidance notes. A growing prize fund is being supported by the clubs and by personal donations. The main tasks are limited to members of the six northern clubs, but the Hike and Fly is open to all BHPA members. Details can be found on the xcflight website.
Posted: 4 January 2018
By: Paul Dancey
last updated: 31 January 2025
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Further information about the British Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association and skywings magazine can be found on the about the BHPA and Skywings magazine pages on this website.