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Skywings News

Skywings On-line Magazine

Skywings news stories are available for the following publication years:

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Skywings News - all non archived years

South-East Wales Magic Bash dates

Magic Bash dates. The South-East Wales club are pleased to announce the dates for this year's Magic Bash at the Glanusk Estate in Crickhowell: the weekend of 11th-13th July.

Similar to last year, the event will have live music, festival-style food and a licenced bar, and all attendees will have access to the glorious sites of South East Wales.

Alternative activities will be organised for non-flyers/non-flying days. Tickets will be on sale soon via Webcollect (members), or by contacting the club (non-members).

Posted: 31 January 2025
By: J. Schofield


The BHPA 2025 AGM will will be held at 8 Merus Court, Meridian Business Park, Leicester, LE19 1RJ on Saturday 1st March 2025 at 11.00 am.

BHPA Exec members Marc Asquith, Martin Baxter, Bill Bell, Jennifer Buck, Paul Dancey, and Angus Langford are standing for re-election this year.

An initial BHPA 2025 AGM pack is available in the documents area of our web site. The pack includes the official notice of the meeting, details of the business to be conducted, and background information about the members standing for re-election. A proxy voting form for members unable to attend the AGM is also be included in the pack.

Completed proxy voting forms can either be posted to the Office, or scanned and emailed to office@bhpa.co.uk , and must be received by 11.00am on Thursday 27th February 2025.

This year's AGM will be available to watch via a web meeting link to allow members to put questions should they wish to, and the link will be posted on our website and Facebook page closer to the event.

Posted: 6 January 2025
By: Paul Dancey

Type 1 paraglider pilot sought

Film maker Emily Cooney is looking for a UK paraglider pilot with Type 1 diabetes to feature in an awareness-raising film.

Her documentary aims to break limitations and raise awareness by sharing fun experiences and stories of success in remote outdoor sports.

The idea is to encourage those with diabetes to access natural landscapes and strengthen the self-belief and independence they teach. 'We aim to highlight the challenges such environments pose for people with Type 1 diabetes and show how they can be overcome.'

If you are interested in taking part, contact Emily here.

Posted: 6 January 2025
By: J. Schofield

Office Closure over Christmas

BHPA Head OfficeThe BHPA office will be closed for Christmas from 12 noon on Monday 23rd December until 8.30am on Thursday 2nd January 2025.

As a result we will be unable to process any orders placed in our online shop until the office re-opens on the 2nd January 2024.

Posted: 19 December 2024
By: Paul Dancey

Safety Notice: Finsterwalder Paralock 3 Carabiner

Finsterwalder have issued a Safety Notice for the Paralock 3 carabiner. This follows several cases of unintentional opening in flight and a fatal accident.

Whilst this is probably due to incorrect operation, to rule out malfunction all users must carry out a functional check before the next flight.

The check consists of releasing the swivel lever at a deflection of about 45 degrees. It should then lock automatically. Correct locking must then be checked by applying counter-pressure.

This function check must be carried out regularly. If the function check is negative, the Paralock must be returned to the manufacturer.

The Paralock 3 operating instructions must also be observed. In particular, the secure engagement of the swivel lever must be checked immediately before each launch by pushing against the release button.

In addition, the Paralock 3 may only be flown with the additional blocking mechanism activated.

This applies to tandem and solo use. The pilot must not unblock the carabiner during flight (except after an emergency parachute deployment).

A copy of this safety notice is available in the Manufacturers Safety Notices area of this website, and can also be found on the Finsterwalder website.

Posted: 24 November 2024
By: Paul Dancey

Big Fat Repack 2025

Gin Emergency ParachuteThe Thames Valley club's Big Fat Repack takes place on Sunday February 9th, 2025. The venue will be Aldershot's Garrison Sports Centre at GU11 2EY.

The BFR offers an opportunity to deploy your parachute from a zipline descent, then repack it under qualified supervision. Talks and demonstrations by BHPA-licensed packers will help demystify the process. You can also discuss flying safety concerns with experienced pilots, coaches and committee members.

The event runs from 9am to 5pm and is open to all on a first-come, first-served basis. To attend and repack your parachute costs £30; booking is essential. There's more information here.

Posted: 14 October 2024
By: J. Schofield

Insurance cover for Parakites

Rumours appear to be circulating that BHPA members flying 'Parakite' wings such as the Flare Moustache and Flow Mullet are not covered by BHPA Insurance. This is not correct.

As these wings do not hold a recognised certification, such as the EN scheme, they lie within the same 'uncertified wings' requirements as speed wings, mini wings and paramotor wings that are not tested to EN 926-2 (i.e. they can only be flown solo).

BHPA members with a Paragliding Hill rating (or, subject to the CP Speed Flying limitations, a Speed Flying CP) can fly 'Parakites' and are covered by our third-party insurance.

We trust that this clarifies the situation.

Posted: 8 October 2024
By: Joe Schofield

Safety Advisory Woody Valley Tenax 3 & 4 harnesses

Woody Valley Tenax 3 & 4 harness bolt safety advisory During a recent inspection of the inside trim system on a Woody Valley Tenax 3 hang-gliding harness, it was discovered that one of the bolts that attach the posts to the backplate had become loose by some 4 turns allowing considerable movement of the post. The BHPA has therefore issued a safety Advisory Notice regarding this issue.

By experiment, a loosening the bolt by 2 more turns allowed sufficient movement of the post to allow the rod to detach completely. It was also noted that the grub screw that is threaded into the post to lock the rod to the post was missing.

Pilots who fly using either a Woody Valley Tenax 3 (with Inside Trim), or a Tenax 4, harness should therefore not fly with them until they have inspected their harness to ensure that the post mounting bolts are tight, and the grub screws are present and secure, at both ends of the rod attached to the back plate.

For further information please read the full Advisory Notice for Woody Valley Tenax 3 & Tenax 4 harnesses, which is available on the Safety Advisories page of our website.

Posted: 15 September 2024
By: Paul Dancey

last updated: 31 January 2025

Skywings News Feed

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