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Skywings News

Skywings On-line Magazine

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There are 61 news stories for 2016 in our database.

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Skywings News - 2016

Dave Shields appeal

Bob Little has set up a Just Giving site to enable people to contribute to building a positive future for Dave Shields. Members will know that Dave suffered life-changing injuries at a flying competition in August. He expects to be living in a recently-secured house near Chester, but essential adaptions are needed to allow him to follow an independent life. To help, go to Bob's Just Giving webpage.

Bob adds, "We love a sport where the risks are low but the consequences are high. If you can help with time, money or materials contact me at boblittle@wirral.gov.uk. Dave needs a home when he leaves hospital; if anyone can do it, we can."

Posted: 5 January 2016
By: Paul Dancey

On trial - Skywings online!

Beginning this month the BHPA is trialling an online version of Skywings in addition to the printed version. This is available on the Skywings Magazine page of this website, for download as a pdf file or viewing online as a 'page-turning' electronic magazine.

A username and password published in the printed version of the magazine is required to view or download the electronic version. After six months each issue will be freely available with no password required. The printed version of Skywings will remain unchanged.

This departure represents a modest experiment to see evaluate the demand and get a better idea of any potential difficulties. Members should note that this is an add-on to the printed version, which currently costs just £15 of the annual subscription fee.

Posted: 5 January 2016
By: Paul Dancey

World Air Games

Romania's George Cotet took the top spot in paragliding accuracy after 12 rounds at the WAG in Dubai in December; Thailand's Nunnapat Phuchong secured the women's gold medal.

Other free flight events included were solo and synchro paragliding acro, won by France's Tim Alongi and the Twisted boys (France's Théo de Blic and Spaniard Horacio Llorens); and paramotoring led by joint winners Alex Mateos (France) and Piotr Ficek (Poland).

The only British pilots to compete in these events were paramotorists Phil Jennings and Mark Morgan who finished 14th and 22nd. The top four microlighting places were taken by Team GB to whom we extend our congratulations.

Posted: 5 January 2016
By: Paul Dancey

USHPA hits insurance wall

Rising insurance premiums resulting from increased claims threaten to wreck the entire American free flight association. Their insurance premium has already risen 130% in the last five years, substantially increasing membership fees. Now, in the wake of a number of recent claims, their insurers are to withdraw all cover. This could devastate free flight in North America.

These are unprecedented days for any association. USHPA has decided that self-insurance is the only viable option and has begun to form a self-insurance entity. To cover the projected costs they need to raise $2m by March 1st 2016 to protect their future! Their members are being asked to dig deep to keep their sport alive. USHPA has already put its premises on the market and will reduce its excellent magazine to a bi-monthly schedule; membership fees have increased by 50% overnight.

To learn more or to contribute please visit the USHPA website.

Posted: 5 January 2016
By: Paul Dancey

BHPA AGM & Proxy Voting

The 2016 BHPA AGM will take place at the Belfry Hotel, Nottingham NG8 6PY (adjacent to Junction 26 of the M1) on Saturday February 27th 2016 in tandem with the BGA's AGM and trade exhibition.

The AGM will start at 11am and will include the presentation of BHPA awards and trophies, the Election of Officers and Officers' reports to the membership. It is hoped that members with an interest in the running of the BHPA will attend the meeting and bring any ideas for the future or present that they may have.

Members will note that there is a proposal to amend the BHPA Constitution, the Articles of Association. Historically the Executive Council had believed that it had the power to refuse applications for, or renewals of membership from people whom, for instance, it regarded as acting contrary to the good of the sport or the BHPA. Recent legal analysis has shown that this belief was mis-conceived and so the proposed amendment will align the reality with the previously held belief. To indicate the scale of use of this power, Exec has exercised this power two or three times in the 23 years of the existence of the BHPA.

For further information about the candidates standing for election to Exec, and the proposed amendments to the BHPA's Articles of Association, together with a Proxy Voting Form can be found in the BHPA AGM 2016 on-line pack which can be downloaded from the member documents area of this website. If you are unable to attend the AGM in person you can still cast your vote by completing the Proxy Voting Form and emailing it to the BHPA Office to arrive not less than 48 hours before the AGM is due to take place.

Posted: 5 January 2016
By: Paul Dancey

last updated: 31 January 2025

Skywings News Feed

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