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There are 61 news stories for 2016 in our database.

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Skywings News - 2016

Judith Mole resigns

Elected to the BHPA Exec in February this year, Judith Mole has, with considerable regret, resigned her post citing personal reasons. We thank her for her contribution to Exec and wish her well for the future.

Posted: 3 November 2016
By: Paul Dancey

Speed flying page

A new Speed Flying webpage has been added to the BHPA website. Among other information this new page gives an outline of the sport, a list of schools that provide speed flying training and advice for would-be speed flyers coming from other sports such as skydiving and kite surfing.

Posted: 31 October 2016
By: Paul Dancey


The BHPA's 2017 Annual General Meeting will be held at Nottingham's Belfry Hotel (adjacent to Junction 26 of the M1) on Saturday February 25th at 11.00am, in tandem with the BGA AGM and trade exhibition.

The meeting will include the election of officers to the BHPA Executive Committee, officers' reports and a members' discussion forum.

Posted: 31 October 2016
By: Paul Dancey

RAeC Trust bursaries

Early warning that applications for Royal Aero Club Trust bursaries close on March 31st.

Last year the Trust awarded 50 bursaries to youngsters of up to 21 years to advance their existing air sport qualifications and further their dreams. New rules allow previous winners of up to 24 years to make further progress. The awards, of up to £1,000, are made possible by the generosity of the RAeC, the Peter Cruddas Foundation, the MacRobert Trust and the aviation-specific Bramson and Breitling resources.

Earlier this year BHPA members Ryan Jenkins (14) and Joe and John Ashman all received substantial cash support to pursue their flying goals, and in 2015 Theo Warden's bursary enabled him to pursue SIV training - and look what happened to him!

If you are between 14 and 21 and financial assistance would help you progress, please visit the Royal Aero Club Trust website. Every young BHPA pilot should apply!

Posted: 31 October 2016
By: Paul Dancey

Kobo & XCSoar help

Nev Almond has put a website together to help with the basics of converting Kobos and using XCSoar. The Kobo Self Build section covers subjects such as the suitability of the various models, how to back-up the internal SD Card, how to dissemble, how to use the serial port, how to connect various instrument options, and finishing.

The XCSoar section covers how to get started quickly, how to connect to Kobo/XCsoar devices to add maps, waypoints or airspace, how to create maps, airspace, Notam and waypoint files, and how to upgrade. The website can be found at

Posted: 31 October 2016
By: Paul Dancey

Foxtug starts towing

FoxTugFlylight's new FoxTug SSDR "nanolight" trike, first flown in August, made its inaugural hang glider tow flights at Croft Farm, Defford, home of the Malvern Aerotow Club, on September 19th.

Several flights were made with owner Donald MacKenzie at the controls and five different pilots on tow; no major problems were encountered. Average climb rates were from 8 - 1100ft/min, mostly to 2,000ft but on one occasion to 5,000ft in five minutes.

Tow speeds varied from 29 (flexwings) to 33 mph (rigids), a key attraction when most 582-powered XL tugs tow at closer to 40 mph; all the pilots involved said that the Foxtug transformed the experience.

More testing is planned and a pilot manual is being written. The FoxTug, purpose-designed by Ben Ashman at Flylight, uses a 65hp Rotax 582 and features electric CG-shift trimming, rapid folding, a compact hangar footprint and very low noise signature.

Posted: 31 October 2016
By: Paul Dancey

France wins FAI World Aerobatics

François Ragolski, World Aerobatics ChampionThe 2nd World Paragliding Aerobatic Championships at Annecy ended on September 3rd with France taking the Gold medal ahead of Spain and Switzerland.

Solo World Champion is France's François Ragolski ahead of team-mate Tim Alongi, with Horacio Llorens of Spain in 3rd spot.

Women's solo Champion is Austria's Christina Kolb from Nicole Schmidt (Germany) and Lea Haensenberger (Switzerland).

Synchro Pair Champions are Spain's Rodriguez brothers; Théo de Blic (France) and Horacio Llorens were 2nd and Swiss pair David Geiser and Jérémy Péclard 3rd. 34 pilots, including eight women, from 16 nations competed.

Posted: 7 October 2016
By: Paul Dancey

Flyer Live!

The Flyer Live show takes place at the Telford International Centre on December 2nd and 3rd. You'll be able to see the best GA aircraft and aviation kit that the UK has to offer, plus training, insurance, charts and much electronic gear. Ballooning, gliding, rotorcraft, the CAA and Flyer magazine itself will also be represented.

A series of Masterclasses will cover a wide range of topics, including the latest news from the Pilot Aware traffic system and current airlaw regulations explained in plain English. Tickets cost £8 if booked in advance (there's a discount for BHPA members) and £12.50 on the day. Details are on the Flyer Live website.

Posted: 7 October 2016
By: Paul Dancey

last updated: 31 January 2025

Skywings News Feed

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